Monday, September 30, 2019

Fireweed – Trip to Wales!

I am called Bill and I live with my auntie and father in London. My mother is dead and my father always said I was never to be sent away as an evacuee. When my father was called up for active service in the army I was left with my auntie. We wrote numerous letters to my father but he never replied to any of them. My auntie started to moan and groan about not being able to manage me. So, she decided to send me of as an evacuee, even though it was against my father's wishes. Auntie wrote to my father and said that I was being sent to another part of the country as an evacuee (not explaining why she sent me). I didn't even know where I was going, all alone without any money at all, not even a penny for a stamp to write to my father. The station was jam packed with children of all ages. Everyone had a bag, enclosed was a change of clothes and a label attached with an address written in capital letters to make it stand out. Two trains passed before, ours finally arrived. I was stuck in a carriage with mostly girls in uniform. Opposite me sat a great fat woman dressed all in blue, hairy tweed. As the journey progressed we passed station after station, nobody knew where we where going. Until finally the train stopped and everyone disembarked. Darkness was falling and after waiting half an hour another train came and our carriage was joined on the back. By now it was pitch black. Eventually we reached our destination, which turned out to be Wales. Once of loaded everyone was counted and put with a billeting officer who would find us billets in which to stay. One by one each child was chosen and I was last to go. The man took me up a pathway and by this stage I was feeling a tiny bit unwanted, neglected, and rather orphaned. He spoke in welsh to the people and after some persuasion they took me in. I stepped inside into a big farm kitchen where a great log fire was blazing like a forest rapidly burning down. The heat was inconceivable. Served on the tabletop there was bread, cheese and also a cold roast chicken. My stomach felt empty I was famished and the sight of food made the rumbling noises even worse. They asked my age and I replied fifteen. At last I was offered something to eat and then shown to my bedroom. The couple I was staying with were called Mr and Mrs Williams living with them were two shepherds, David and Evan. They hardly spoke a word of English just enough to cope with telling me things. In this welsh valley there were two chapels, no church and no cottages only rows of terraced houses. It was rather poor at that. I spent a lot of time on my bed reading an aged copy of the woman's weekly, which Mrs Williams stored under the staircase. When the billeting officer came round to see how I was getting on with the Williams, they seemed quite content with me. Feeling rather bored, I finally plucked up the courage and asked if there was a school nearby which I could attend. In the village there was only a primary school that was for juvenile children, but Mrs Williams suggested the grammar school on the other side of the mountains. The only trouble was how would I get there? The only option would be to get the bus. Yet again a problem arose. The bus fair! I had no money. So out came pen and paper to write a letter to my auntie telling her about the grammar school and asking if she could write to father and ask him to send me money for the bus fare. I also asked for my father's address. I posted the letter in the post office at the back of the village shop I waited for a reply but no letter came. An unusual thing happened one day, Mrs Williams approached me saying that she needed to check my hair for lice. Naturally enough I refused argued and ran out of the house until I came to a dip. I decided to jump but slipped and fell into heavy disinfectant that burnt my mouth and nose. I swallowed several mouthfuls. David and Evan who had been trying to catch me were in stitches of laughter. I was so angry I felt like a raging bull. When I gathered myself together I began to shake all over this made David and Evan very concerned. They took me back to the house and as I stood by the fire they stripped my wet clothes that were laden with disinfectant of me. Afterwards I went to bed. The following morning to my delight Mrs Jones informed me that there was post for me. My heart pounded like the footsteps of an elephant. In actual fact I received two letters! The first opened was from my auntie. Enclosed was my father's address, a book of stamps and she hoped I would write to him often. The other letter, number two was from my father. He missed me a lot. My father had sent me three whole pounds! This was the biggest amount of money I had ever been given in my life. This overwhelmed me. My first thoughts were to calculate how many bus fares would this pay for. Then I got to thinking about Auntie and home and decided that I would use the money for my train fare back to London. Leaving Mr and Mrs Williams, David, Evan and the terraced houses behind I left for the station. The timetable showed only one train per day at the village. The man at the ticket desk stared at me as though he were looking right through me. When I saw him, I was frightened that he would recognise me so I put plan B into action. I walked to the crossroads. ‘Owestry =15 miles'. I looked down at my worn shoes; there was a station at Owestry. I bought a pair of boots so I could walk to Owestry as I had a funny feeling my old shoes wouldn't make it. I set off not having the foggiest how long it would take me to walk there. I bought a brown bap from a bakery van, which I met outside the village. When I arrived in Owestry it was late afternoon. I found the station and waited for the train to leave. It left and hour and a half late. Once I reached London I caught the bus home. Suddenly it took a wrong turn! Then I was told that the street no longer stood. I got of the bus as quick as my legs could carry me. I walked to my auntie's house and everything was grand until a warden stopped me asking where I was going. I was totally bewildered they wouldn't even let me my own home. Nobody was there to look after me. My auntie was not there any more. I was going to stay put I decided at least until my father came home. I was determined about this.

August Rush Themes Essay

â€Å"Music is all around; all you have to do is listen.† Quoted Evan Taylor in the ending scene of August Rush. August Rush was a boy who discovered the power of music in his journey to find his parents. His giftedness was a useful tool in his accomplishments, that can be seen throughout the movie. His giftedness did not guarantee success in that he would need the right resources, motivation, and a little hardwork obtain it. To begin with, giftedness can’t guarantee success, if the right resources are not available. Resources allow you to recognize your giftedness, so without them your giftedness is not recognized, and therefore, success is not obtainable. Resources are the key to success. The boys home that Evan Taylor lived in, before his removal, did not offer the resources for him to channel his giftedness. In August Rush, Evan Taylor was given many resources, after his removal from the boys’ home, in which he ended up in a church with a piano, a theatre full of street kid performers, and facing the opportunity to take classes at Julliard. The classes at Julliard enabled him to obtain the ability to compose a piece inspired by all the sounds he has heard and believes will lead him to his parents. At Julliard, August’s talent was truly acknowledged and set free, but it was first discovered when he encountered the street kids. With all these resources he was able to embrace his gift and share it with the world. The resources that he acquired on his journey prompted his growth in his naturally gifted music abilities. Secondly, guaranteed success from giftedness, I believe requires motivation. A person who seems to be naturally gifted cannot be guaranteed success, if they do not want success. A person who is naturally gifted and is motivated will achieve success because they want success. August Rush had motivation, so therefore he achieved success in the movie. His motivation was to find his parents, from whom he was disconnected 11 years ago, and that motivation enabled him to achieve his success. Motivation is a vital factor in all acts of achieving success. A lack of motivation also infers a lack of encourage and a lack of want for success. People who are not motivated do not normally achieve success. The road to success requires motivation to continue the journey. August’s motivation and longing to find his parents is what kept him going throughout the movie. Movitation is much needed is any other factor in achieving success. Lastly, giftedness is not automatically offer guaranteed success, but success does automatically offer guaranteed hard work. In my opinion, success cannot be achieved with only giftedness, it has to also be accompanied by hard work, motivation, and resources. Giftedness does not allow you to be lazy and achieve success that others, who are not gifted, work their hardest to obtain. Success does not come God-given, along with your God-given abilities. Even gifted people have to work towards success as those who have not been gifted. Being gifted allows you to understand concepts and learn new things faster than others, but does not guarantee you success. Success does not work in this way. Success can never be guaranteed if you are not willing to put in the hard work and effort for the long-haul. In conclusion, success is not automatically guaranteed through giftedness. Do not let your imagination run wild that giftedness is the free ticket to success because it most definitely is not. All success requires a little effort. Anything can be achieved with the right resources and a little hard work and motivation.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Because I was first Adam

Adam was the first human being to inhabit the earth; he had total authority over every living creature and was free to roam about The Garden of Eden as he pleased. As the story unfolds Eve is created as Adam’s counterpart and they are to live together as one. Many Christians believe that Eve was created inferior to Adam; therefore, man has the authority to rule the relationship. This is not the case – the following will show nature’s natural act of compensation. Men are habitual and as a woman having analyzed the opposite sex I’ve found at they are quite predictable.Men and the television – even though this topic is cliche, it’s always a great place to start. I’ve never known a man that didn’t like The Three Stooges. Curly, Mo and Larry – all three have their quirky habits. Within seconds, the man’s attention is drawn to the television and it stays until the movie’s end. To analyze – the storylines ar e simple, take little concentration and there’s no real point to the story. Women are drawn to the complicated stories with emotional and dramatic story lines – often called â€Å"chick flicks.† We are hoping for the happy ending because we understand how necessary it is to think positive and have an open mind. Thousands of years ago the world was far from discovered and what lied ahead for Adam and Eve was complicated, dramatic and required a positive outlook. Eve’s natural instinct to consider the details and the implications was necessary for the discovery of the world as we know it. Another commonality between males is the love for driving, of course if he takes a wrong turn or loses his way he will not admit it.In the male brain, it’s a sign of weakness to admit failure – it’s far more masculine to drive for hours making that dominant attempt to reach his destination. A woman takes the logical approach; she pulls into the nearest gas station and asks for directions. Looking back thousands of years, again the world was young and there were many miles to discover. Eve’s logical approach to the world was needed. Thousands of years later, we’re still discovering the world. Can you imagine where we would be if we didn’t have the female brain to stop and ask for directions?Men are dominant, they’re instinct is to challenge and conquer. Driving hundreds of miles in one stretch, Football and boxing attract a man’s attention because of that instinct. The female was created to look at the world through a different perspective. We look at the details, consider the implications of our actions and consider the emotional context of certain situations. Neither Adam or Eve were superior to the other, their thought processes were simply different. The male and female complete each other, which explain the necessity of two genders.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Ashoka and Emperor ashoka ( choose heading) Essay

Ashoka and Emperor ashoka ( choose heading) - Essay Example However, a look at some of the stone pillars in some part of the modern-day India proves that such an empire existed. For example in Bihar, India, there are stone pillars that are inscribed with the Emperor’s statues and edicts. Ancient Sanskirt literature also shows that there was a great Emperor called Ashoka. In Sarnath city which is also in India, there are statues of lions which are now part of India’s National emblem (Rao 96). These are the Ashoka lions, of course named after the Emperor Ashoka. He Emperor ordered installation of these pillars (Joshi 60). A look at the statues and some of the stone pillars shows that the Emperor had them inscribed with merciful laws. Based on the evidence from Joshi’s book and a history professor called B.V. Rao, Emperor Ashoka waged a constant war for the first eight years when he was in power. It is also clear that the Emperor had inherited a large empire, which he expanded in his reign to include some of the other Indian subcontinent. He also expanded his empire to the modern-day borders of Burmese eastern border, western side of Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Iran (Rao 94). It was only Sri Lanka and other southern parts of India which remained out of the Emperor’s reach. However, despite the ancient Kalinga kingdom, north of India, being out of his reach, he attacked the kingdom in year 265. He took advantage of the fact that it was his second wife’s homeland, Kaurwaki. The Mauryan Emperor had sought refuge from his hostile half-brothers, in the Kalinga kingdom. He gathered the largest army in Indian history to attach Kalinga, which crumbled after losing most of its warriors. After going through the story about this Emperor and his dynasty I got surprised after discovering that he was one of the many ruthless rulers in human history to change into one of the most respected rulers. I expected to find a

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Value Diversity in Workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Value Diversity in Workplace - Essay Example Every company needs to have a solid legal framework behind its diversity policies. According to Tyre, (2007) " while there is no specific law governing 'diversity' per se, the framework for diversity is shaped by judicial interpretations of actions taken to affect diversity that violate equal opportunity or constitutional rights" (n.p.) A good diversity program should not be subject to any quotas or any inherent rigidity ; in actuality it should be flexible and permeable. Setting aside a quota would merely perpetuate the notion of the 'minority', and would merely pave the path to more discrimination. Aside from that, it would serve companies significantly if it hire people based on the entirety of their qualifications, and not just utilizing race as the primary mitigating factor. The essential challenge facing employers is to create a working environment where people working at all levels are ingrained with the company's drive and vision, and they are continually recognized for their efforts. Executing this platform effectively would ensure a synergistic approach towards innovation, growth, and success. Culled from my own personal experience, I have borne witness to several situations where workforce diversity could have been a mitigating factor if only properly executed and rendered. One particular incident which particularly stands out was during my stint as a sales representative for one of the nation's leading real estate firms. The company specialized in developing properties in the Mayaguez and Aguada areas. The primary duty assigned to me was to handle its premium line of exclusive oceanfront homes, which appeal to a very high-end niche market. A good part of the company's prospective clientele is comprised of wealthy foreigners looking for a good vacation home in the country. My experience had me dealing with a rich politician hailing from the Dominican Republic. He had some close ties in the Aguada area, and was planning on buying a vacation home with his new wife. I was tasked to handle his account, and he was very keen on purchasing one of our featured properties, which was an oceanfront, three- level home worth $535,000. If the deal would fall through it would have been my biggest sale at the time, and would have greatly augmented the company's flagging fortunes. This happened at a time when the housing market was really plummeting, and real estate companies were fighting tooth and nail for every sale that they could get their hands on. The effects of the subprime mortgage crisis were far-reaching, and a sale of this magnitude would have certainly helped my company a great big deal. I had personally accompanied the couple to the site, and they were highly impressed with the oceanfront property. They were displaying a high level of interest, and I was almost certain that this was a sure sale. I could almost feel that my fat commission was on the way. The main issue emanated from what at first seemed like an almost trivial matter. On the way back from our viewing trip, the client had learned that the driver of the company car that we were using also hailed from the Dominican Republic. They engaged in light banter, and I thought that was a pleasant coincidence. My complacency soon was shaken, as

Sports Medicine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sports Medicine - Essay Example If any question is answered in the affirmative in the first stage questionnaire then the person can start the exercise program or aerobic testing only after getting medical clearance. Though, in some cases the experienced exercise specialist may use his judgment to allow the person affecting certain problems to start an exercise program. People who are not at high risk can begin low or moderate level physical activity without the need for medical clearance. These people are also eligible for the stage 2 of the screening program if they wish to increase the intensity levels of their exercise or exercise testing. Stage 2 identifies people with moderate risk as those with age more than 45 in case of males and more than 55 in case of females or those with 2 or more than 2 risk factors for heart diseases (SMA,2005). People at moderate risk can do only moderate exercise without medical clearance. Those who are young and have less than 2 risk factors are at low risk and can undergo high intensity of physical exertion without a need for medical clearance. 2. ... This is unadvisable as it puts undue strain on the heart and lungs and poses risks of complications in the individual; also if the level of exertion is increased it is likely to deter people from taking the test, especially those leading sedentary lifestyles. 3. Which if any, of the energy pathways is fully utilized during the Wingate test If not, why not A. Adenosine triphosphate and phosphocreatine energy pathways are fully utilized during the Wingate Test. The ATP stored in muscle cells are broken down into ADP and phosphate. ATP molecules are quickly exhausted in the muscle cells. More ATP are produced by combination of ADP and Phosphate molecules but it takes a long time. Finally glucose is broken down in the absence of oxygen to produce pyruvic acid. 4. What factors contribute to fatigue during the last 10 seconds of the Wingate test A When pyruvic acid is formed from glucose by process of glycolysis, the absence of oxygen leads to the conversion of pyruvic acid to lactic acid which has a corrosive action on muscles causing fatigue hence bringing down the performance. Also the energy produced by this anaerobic process is much lesser (2 ATP) than that by aerobic respiration in which complete breakdown of glucose molecule takes place leading to fatigue. 5. Explain in your own words what the fatigue index is and why it is relevant to performance A. Fatigue index is decrease is power divided by time interval between the peak power and minimum power. In athletes it's of utmost importance as it determines the nature of their performance. Many factors contribute to fatigue index like functioning of heart and lungs, muscle

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The supply chain of Walmart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The supply chain of Walmart - Essay Example This expose elucidates on the effects of inventory management on the strategic goals of the supply chain. Lee and Billington (1997) noted that the â€Å"supply chain must ultimately be measured by its responsiveness to customers† (p. 67). In order to achieve this strategy in the supply chain, a companys inventory management must be efficient in delivering products to customers on a timely manner. While recognizing the importance of efficient inventory management, it is important to point out that a customer’s order may involve multiple lines of shipment or even one shipment of goods. In effect, proper management of a company’s inventory along the supply chain will help determine the speed of a companys responsiveness to its customer’s orders. On the other hand, the failure to institute proper inventory management systems in the supply chain will result to failures on the supply chain strategy of responsiveness to customers requirements. A company designs its supply chain strategy so that it can maintain a competitive edge over its competitions in the ever-increasing competitive business world. Lee and Billington (1997) noted the need by customers to know when their deliveries will arrive after they placed their orders (p. 67). In effect, the failure by companies to keep their customers posted on a regular basis regarding their deliveries, especially during delays, causes discontent, loss of goodwill, and confusion from the customers. Effectively, a company may lose its competitiveness due to its failure to manage inventory effectively along the supply chain especially in times of delay in delivery. Another key strategy by companies in their supply chains is the importance of maintaining low logistics costs, which will not have an effect on the supply chain’s responsiveness. As a result, inventory management will play a crucial role in achieving this goal by

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Non-Malignanat Palliative Care -Assignment 2 Assignment

Non-Malignanat Palliative Care - 2 - Assignment Example lignant conditions which need palliative care because of the degree of suffering in the end-stage. One such disease is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Croft, 2005). Patients with this condition develop many symptoms which cause great discomfort and despair not only to the patient but also their dear ones. According to Deane (2008), "patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease follow a slowly-declining disease trajectory, punctuated by acute episodes of ill health, until the acute episode that proves to be the fatal one." â€Å"More often than not, death is sudden and unexpected† (Deane, 2008). The only solace to such patients would be to provide a comprehensive care which takes care of the physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual and religious needs of the patients so that they lead a peaceful life until their death (Croft, 2005). Such a care is known as palliative care. In this project various aspects of palliative care will be discussed which are individu alized and tailor-made to a 85 year old patient by name James with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in end-of-life situation. Palliative care needs of patients with COPD James is a known patient of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and suffers from severe breathlessness, distress, despair and discomfort. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD is a devastating medical illness which causes a great degree of human suffering (GOLD, 2008). It characterized by non-reversible airway obstruction due to either emphysema or chronic bronchitis or both. It is not only a major health issue but also a significant source of economic and social burden (Fromer and Cooper, 2008). One of the most frightening and debilitating symptom of COPD is breathlessness which is progressive. The most common cause of COPD is cigarette smoking (Silvermann and Speizer, 1996). This condition affects about 15% of cigarette smokers (NICE, 2004). Many patients with COPD do not receive appropriate end-of0 life care because of the unpredictable course of their disease (Deane, 2008). Along with these symptoms, patients with COPD have other co morbidities which need to be managed too (Deane, 2008). Though the clinical course of COPD is not predicable, end-of-life care is yet possible. In the last year of life, patients like James with COPD are likely to suffer from chronic dyspnea, low mood, weakness, easy fatiguibility and pain (Deane, 2008). COPD most commonly presents as acute infection of the lungs or cough that is productive. The disease is progressive and eventually, the patient develops breathlessness which, over the course of the disease because the most predominant and distressing syndrome. The patient also begins to suffer from exercise intolerance and also easy fatiguibility. All these symptoms make the life of the patient miserable and helpless. The main reason for breathlessness is poor oxygenation of the lungs and ventilation perfusion defects.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Professional Mentoring program for Community Health Workers Essay

Professional Mentoring program for Community Health Workers - Essay Example n.p). For this reason, the group, through its organizers seeks funding for a part-time coordinator and stipends for participants in the program. The users of the program services will mostly constitute the unemployed people in Florida community, the adults in the local college, and any other group that the Florida Community Health coalition may refer to the group. The group targets adult students from a local community college with a purpose of offering professional health education, promotion, and care services such counseling and social support. The program is in collaboration with the Florida Community health worker CHW profession to offer skills in health and outreach in community-based setting such the homes, businesses, worship centers, and community centers. The other participants are the Federal qualified health centers and other health organizations in the area aiming at bringing sense to the residents on health living and good diet. The program will also connect the locals to the necessary bodies offering services such as insurance and making follow-ups on their progress. The other education for the adult students will be on drugs and drug abuse to help the young people on matters of healthy living by avoiding indulging themselves in drugs. Our group noted that there is a knowledge gap in our community and students studying at the local college on matters concerning health and common ailments. The mentoring period is three to six months depending on the availability of the mentor and his schedule. Community health workers are very useful in the society, and their services are vital to a healthy community. The program will equip the local people with skills of maintaining high health standards through providing first aid and nutrition information by the CHWs. The other purpose of the mentorship program will be to visit the residents in their homes and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Freshwater & resource Essay Example for Free

Freshwater resource Essay Freshwater is a valuable natural resource, but freshwater is only 3% of the total volume of water in the world. Two-thirds of this is found in glaciers and polar ice caps; thus leaves only 1% which can be readily acquired. Humans and other living organism on Earth need water to be able to survive. Freshwater is important in the transportation of nutrients in soil and is necessary for the propagation of plantations that support life for other organisms. Freshwater is a scarce resource; however it is easily contaminated by human activities. Human activities such as mining can contaminate rivers with heavy metals. It can also disrupt the ecological balance that requires the use of freshwater. Farmers who use excessive pesticide can contaminate freshwater supplies. Pesticides sip into the soil and flows to rivers when it rains. This human activities causes health problems, not only to humans but to other organisms as well. In some regions of the world, freshwater is not used efficiently. Irrigations and artificial dams disturb the water ecosystem. Irrigations and artificial dams direct the flow of freshwater to other paths which can harm organism who highly require freshwater. The ecological balance is destroyed which can affect several organisms that is part of the ecosystem. Excessive irrigation also induces desertification. Desertification is the decline of biological and economic activity of the soil. Desertification has been seen places around the world, such as China wherein farmers used irrigation inefficiently. Freshwater is renewable but it should be used in way that nothing is wasted. More and more people over the world are experiencing the lack of freshwater. Creating an effective water management is the only solution for this problem. References Richter, B. (2003). Ecologically sustainable water management: managing river flows for ecological integrity. Ecological Applications , 13 (1), 206-224

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Implication Of Nigerian Democracy History Essay

The Implication Of Nigerian Democracy History Essay Abraham Lincoln in his immortal Gettysburg address may have defined democracy as government of the people, by the people and for the people, but anybody with eyes on either side of the nose of course knows that the late great president of the United States did not have the Nigerian brand of democracy in mind when he formulated that definition. What passes for democracy in Nigeria has nothing at all to do with people. It is quite simply government of ghosts, by ghosts, and for ghosts. A situation where 150 million Nigerians cannot set eyes on their so-called president for 100 days and counting sums up the vast ghost town that the land has been turned into via the grossly abused name of democracy. A secret society is what democratic practice in Nigeria has been turned into. The ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) is quite adept at using the word people to deceive people. But some Nigerians are effectively wising up to the fact. For instance, in the recent re-run gubernatorial election in the rebel state of Anambra, when the PDP cried Power to the people! the real people ran away to Peter Obis All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) leaving only ghosts to vote for the PDP! Not even Professor Maurice Iwus Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) could account for the fingerprints of the secret ghosts that massively voted for the PDP in that election!   It is in the character of this spooky practice of democracy that Nigeria now boasts of two half-presidents. In the abracadabra sense of the more you look the less you see there is the invisible president that nobody sees and the acting president who as his title implies merely acts, an ordinary actor just like that funny man Mr. Ibu of Nollywood! Not even the best writers of magical realism or science fiction can configure the phenomenon of Nigerias two half-presidents. It is against this phantasmagoric background that a body that calls itself the Isekiri, Urhobo and Isoko Democratic Union issued a release that runs thus: The chaotic melodramatic farce enacted at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja, by military personnel on Wednesday, during the reurn of our ailing President Umaru Musa YarAdua from his 90-day absence without leave (AWOL) can best be described as a dance macabre. That a whole President sneaked into his own country in an ambulance and was hurriedly transferred into another ambulance and taken straight to Aso Rock, without informing the Acting President, speaks volumes about the relentless nefarious activities of the infamous cabal that has held the nation to ransom since the President took ill and was flown to Saudi Arabia. The open and naked show of brute force exhibited by military personnel, who chased and horse-whipped innocent Nigerians from the vicinity is another testament that our nascent democracy is being held ca ptive by a tiny but powerful cabal.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     As is the case in the mafia, Acting President Goodluck Jonathan has just been remotely controlled to administer the oath of secrecy, aka Omerta, on his ministers. It is now a democracy of speechlessness, just like in any other secret cult. Minister of Information and Communication Professor Dora Akunyili who had been quite communicating on the incommunicado of the sitting president that necessitated the acting president caper has thus been silenced, much to the applause of the cabal on the jugular of Nigeria. The feudal juggernauts claiming to represent the North are not entirely pacified as they are insisting that the Nigerian cosmos must come apart if poor Dora does not resign her post and apologize to the feudal lords. Shout Up North! ye brethren!   Dora who defers to the Blessed Sacrament as a Catholic in doing her beat will soon understand that nothing is sacred or blessed in the cultic inferno of the PDP, the quintessential secret society. It all amounts to a family affai r of man-eat-man-or-woman! As it is written in the Bible and put to song, How can we sing the Lords song in a strange land? The PDP is to all intents and purposes a strange land to personages like Dora and Jonathan. They have been told in no uncertain terms that they do not belong. What with the coffle of the PDP telling Jonathan to his face that he should not dream of contesting the 2011 presidential election! The hoary witches and wizards of the coven of the PDP have spoken! This nonsense has lasted for far too long. If there were to be a proper national election in Nigeria I daresay that the PDP can only place a poor third as happened in Anambra State. It is only the secret society code that the goons of the PDP are using to hoodwink Nigerians with their idle talk of the largest party in Africa. With the current situation of two half-presidents superintending over the affairs of the hapless nation, the time is nigh to strike at the very portals of their secrecy and open up the Nigerian society for good. The initiative of marching on Aso Rock as enunciated by the Save Nigeria Group (SNG) is a great first step. Lets all join the crusade. The presence of a distinct civilian police force, militia, or other paramilitary group everywhere may mitigate to an extent that it could intimidate this democracy. Opponents of gun-controlled regime have cited the need for a balance of power in order to enforce the civilian control of the military. Politicians who personally lack military training and experience but who seek to engage the nation in military action may risk resistance of being labeled chicken-hawks by those who disagree with their political goals. The consolidation of democracy is not simply a problem of more or lesser military prerogatives; the high level of military prerogatives there is a moral quest to reduce such privileges. For all these, members of the professional ex-military chiefs, their serving colleagues  Ã‚   and their non-uniformed supporters were participating in Nigerias nascent democracy. They stage bureaucratic bargaining process of the states policy-making apparatus; engaging in regulatory support and at the same time, attempt to restrict the policy options of elected officials when it comes to military matters. Since Nigerias 1999 recovery from authoritarian rule, members of the police and military were not constitutionally prohibited from voting. Other significant law did not bar organizations advocating the overthrow of the government from participating in the political process .These measures, however, were implemented too late to prevent the militarys multiple incursions into Nigerian politics. History shows that the main reasons why democratic systems of government are overthrown are military: conquest or military coup. Strong defense is required to prevent or deter conquest, but a strong military can increase the threat of military coup, so a delicate balancing act is required. Consequently alliances with other democratic countries seem to play a crucial role as well as internal constitutional checks on the military. This paper analyses the evolution and maintenance of democracy from the perspective of the impact of military considerations. Insurgency arguably has been the greatest threat to Nigerias fledgling democracy. The activities of the JTF and the Niger Delta militants produced domestic anarchy, which directly challenged the govern ­ments legitimacy. This in turn led to the national state of emergency and the draconian governmental countermeasures cited earlier in the human rights portion of this work.   Opponents of the movement for democracy in Nigeria have sought to undermine it by on the one hand casting aspersions on the competence of the people to judge what was best for the nation and on the other condemning the basic tenets of democracy as un-Nigerian. There is nothing new in Third World governments seeking to justify and perpetuate authoritarian rule by denouncing liberal democratic principles as alien. By implication they claim for themselves the official and sole right to decide what does or does not conform to indigenous cultural norms. Such conventional propaganda aimed at consolidating the powers of the establishment has been studied, analyzed and disproved by political scientists, jurists and sociologists. But in Nigeria, distanced by several decades of isolationism from political and intellectual developments in the outside world, the people have had to draw on their own resources to explode the twin myths of their unfitness for political responsibility and the unsuitability of democracy for their society. As soon as the movement for democracy spread out across Nigeria, there was a surge of intense interest in the meaning of the word democracy, in its history and its practical implications. More than a quarter-century of narrow authoritarianism under which they had been fed pabulum of shallow, negative dogma had not blunted the perceptiveness or political alertness of the Nigerian. On the contrary, perhaps not all that surprisingly, their appetite for discussion and debate, for uncensored information and objective analysis, seemed to have been sharpened. Not only was there an eagerness to study and to absorb standard theories on modern politics and political institutions, there was also widespread and intelligent speculation on the nature of democracy as a social system of which they had had little experience but which appealed to their common-sense notions of what was due to a civilized society. There was a spontaneous interpretative response to such basic ideas as representative government, human rights and the rule of law. The privileges and freedoms which would be guaranteed by democratic institutions were contemplated with understandable enthusiasm. But the duties of those who would bear responsibility for the maintenance of a stable democracy also provoked much thoughtful consideration. It is natural that a people who have suffered much from the consequences of bad government should be preoccupied with theories of good government. But the conscious effort to make traditional knowledge relevant to contemporary needs was not confined to any particular circle it went right through Nigerian society from urban intellectuals and small shopkeepers to doughty village grandmothers. Why has Nigerian with its abundant natural and human resources failed to live up to its early promise as one of the most energetic and fastest-developing nations in Africa? International scholars have provided detailed answers supported by careful analyses of historical, cultural, political and economic factors. The Nigerian people, who have had no access to sophisticated academic material, got to the heart of the matter by turning to the words Zik spoke on the four causes of decline. In the process, the interim government could be able to concentrate on reviving the economy as well as restoring fundamental rights and liberties of the Nigerian people including the restoration of democracy through general elections. To that end, the international community must continue to apply both economic and diplomatic pressure on Nigerias military junta. This is to ensure that the junta does not end up doing what juntas are wont to do: make grand promises about restoring democracy without the slightest intention of relinquishing power to the democratically elected representatives of the people. A Historical and Qualitative Perspective Nigerias armed forces have undermined the democratic processes by either leading or directly supporting every Nigerian coup dà ©tat except one-the coup of 1995, in which civilians overthrew a military dictatorship . Surprisingly, it is not democratic elections, but the coup dà ©tat that has proven to be the most prevalent means of Nigerian transfer of government For instance, during the 1999 military to civilian rule elections, some Nigerian police officers with their Army counterparts seized polling stations, threw out candidates polling agents and stamped the ballots themselves. Critics also pointed to a lack of impartiality shown by the INEC and a failure to curb the widespread misuse of state funds by pro-military parties. There was limited time allotted for electioneering, and election rallies by anti-militarized parties were frequently banned or disrupted. The state owned media blatantly promoted the views of the military government view, and some opposition party activists were even gunned down. Complaints made to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) were ignored. At several polling stations in Port Harcourt and Lagos supporters of the military-backed candidates took control of proceedings, threatened the local observers with violence and prevented their entry into polling booths, as they tampered with the ballots. Ballots were stolen, fake ID cards were in circulation, and many postal ballots were found in unauthorized hands. At some polling stations in Wuse inside Abuja (FCT), indelible ink was missing, allowing some voters to cast more than one vote. At other locations, polling stations were changed at the last minute, or valid electoral lists were missing thus preventing legitimate voters from casting their votes. Many voters complained that their names had been omitted from the electoral lists even though they had voted in the previous elections and had not changed residence. Others complained that when they arrived at polling stations they were told that their votes had already been cast. In Abeokuta and Minna no responsible authority knew where a particular polling station was. The reforms now being championed by the Obasanjo Presidency touch the military services as vitally as they affect civil society. Among the civil populace the reforms are meant to benefit those who prefer to work for a living and not live on government patronage. By the same token, the new order is also designed to favour soldiers who would rather face their profession and define their career path in terms of excellent military service rather than political adventurism. The present dispensation affords us an opportunity to reflect on issues that are germane to the institutional coherence and operational readiness of the nations fighting forces. As Nigeria continues to undergo challenging transitions in various facets of life, key national institutions are required to build up their internal structures, capacities and processes towards defending the young democracy with courage and patriotism. The Nigerian military remains a vital national institution in this regard. It must be helped to restore those core values of cohesion, hierarchy, discipline, esprit de corps and respect for constitutional order that are the hub of professionalism. An investment in military professionalism is an investment in democracy. Under rogue military regimes, Nigeria literally missed out on opportunities for the professional development of its armed forces. It is time once again to build up our military into a formidable fighting force. The death squads, linked to state structures either through active participation or tolerance, reached such a level of control that they went beyond the level of an isolated or marginal phenomenon to become an instrument of terror, which systematically practiced the physical elimination of political opponents. Many of the civilian and military authorities in power during the 1990s participated in, promoted and tolerated these groups activities. In spite of the fact that these still latent clandestine structures have not recently made their presence known, they could be reactivated at any time that those in high levels of power were to apprise that a dirty war could be resumed in Nigeria. Since these death squads constituted the element that destroyed any remaining vestige of a state of law during the armed conflict, Nigerian government should not only assume an alert and resolved attitude to prevent their resurgence, but also solicit international aid for their total and absolute era dication. In this process, two factors have become clear: first, some political parties accept and defend the ideal of a protected democracy, in which the armed forces have a significant role in the political system. Second, a characteristic of civil-military relations in the Nigerian democracy has been the generation of informal mechanisms to resolve central issues related to the military autonomy. The second way to analyze preferences is to focus on the level of elite unity about the role of the armed forces. Unified elite that rejects military intervention in politics may inhibit military intervention in politics, while a fragmented elite may permit the creation of anti-democratic coalitions between the armed forces and some sectors of civil society.   The Nigerian political transition began in 1998 when the principal parties opposing the dictatorship (Christian democrats, Activists, Radicals, and sundry agreed to participate in a constitutionally mandated plebiscite in which people had to decide whether Abachas government should continue for another eight years. Since that time, the political discourse of the transition has been dominated by some political principles that all actors have accepted, including the military actors. These principles are basic ideas that served as guidelines during the period of transition and later, during the establishment of democracy. Respect of the institutional framework. Although opposition parties rejected the Constitution that was imposed in 1993 by the military dictatorship, they accepted the framework it established. Therefore, the new democratic government had to apply norms that it had rejected in its program. For instance, IBBs government did not agree to the constitutional provision that permitted the commander-in-chief of the armed forces to remain in charge for eight additional years, but democratic authorities had to accept this constraint because it was part of the Constitution they swore to respect in 1993.Political leaders knew that citizens wanted a peaceful transition. Stability was (and still is) a central goal in the first and second democratic governments. As we will see later, the principle of stability often has been more important than other objectives such as justice, accountability, or responsibility. In conclusion Nigerian commanders in the United Nations (UN) peacekeeping mission in Liberia and Sudan have been linked to corruption. Their activities have ranged from black marketeering and running prostitution rings to actively abate it. Continuation of these practices within the ECOMOG peacekeeping mission worries this government, who fear that such behaviour could jeopardize the success of such mission in future. Clearly, the battle for democracy in Nigeria has not been won. It will take all the resourcefulness of the Nigerian people to overcome the crafty machinations of Nigerians military and sections of the clerical elite who have thrown their weight behind insurgency. For real democracy to take hold in Nigeria not only will the people of Nigeria have to fight the internal enemies of democracy, they will also have to overcome the crushing power of the military godfathers, who cynically subvert or stymie moves towards genuine democracy in Nigeria. REFERENCE: L.Chinedu Arizona-Ogwu Founder; Nigeria4betterrule, Writes from Oyigbo; Rivers State Nigerias democracy still fragile, US insists By Agency reporter, Published: Wednesday, 7 Apr 2010.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Enterprise resource planning

Enterprise resource planning 1. INTRODUCTION Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are among the most important business information technologies to emerge in the last decade. The basic concept of Enterprise Systems is focused mainly on standardization, synchronization and improved efficiency. Thousands of major construction firms and increasing numbers from other sectors as well, either have just completed their first ERP implementations or are in the middle of this major undertaking. ERP systems can be defined as configurable information systems packages which integrate information and process across organisational functional areas (Kumar and Hillegersberg, 2000). The benefits of Enterprise Systems are very significant: coordinating processes and information, reducing carrying costs, decreasing cycle time and improving responsiveness to customer needs (Davenport 2000). Keeping the project on schedule, under budget and the quality are usually are the main problem that has been faced by the construction industry. Construction industry is one of the major industries in contributing the economy, eventhough it is measured to be one of the most highly fragemented, inefficient and geographically detached industries in the world (Chung, 2007). To overcome this inefficiency, a number of solutions have long been offered including implementation of IT. In the context of the construction industry, ERP would be defined as a computer-based business management system that integrates all processes and data of the business, including engineering/design, planning, procurement, construction and maintenance/operations (Tatari et al. 2007). Now a days numbers of major construction companies are implementing the integrated IT solutions such as ERP systems to better integrate their various functions. However, these integrated systems in construction present a set of unique challenges, different from those in the manufacturing or other service sector industries. Each construction project is characterized by a unique set of site conditions, a unique performance team, and the temporary nature of the relationships between project participants. This means a construction business organization needs extensive customization of pre-integrated business applications from ERP vendors. Unfortunately, such an extensive customization can lead a construction firm to ERP implementation failure. The ERP applications that are used by construction industry can be classified into two distinct groups: pre-packaged Software, and Web-based Project Management System (WPMS). Currently, the worlds biggest pre-packaged ERP software contributors involve SAP, Oracle, PeopleSoft, J.D. Edwards, and Baan. SAP is said to have about 60% of the world market (Holland, Light, Kawalek, 1999). 2. Problem Statement ERP has become an essential part of enterprise method over the globe. Use of ERP in other sectors is being stable and growing. Its critical influence within designing novel business environments and procedures has been noteworthy. Different organizations in assorted subdivisions have dedicated to paying out and have already paid out large summations of capital for the implementation of ERP in their organizations. These equivalent companies possess been able towards document major improvements, both concrete and elusive, within their campaigns as a outcome of ERP implementation. Large number of organizations have implemented ERP in their process and make it more effective and profitable. The same observation can be made for some of the most successful corporations in the world. The question needs towards be asked why is this? What are a number of the listened benefits that inflict corporations devote towards the implementation of ERP within their organizations? According to Oliver, Romm (2002), in common with other types of investment activity the adoption of an ERP system is a purposive intervention by an organization for bringing about a new state of affairs that is judged to be superior to the current state. The most bulk valued factor that are often stated as a intent for performing to the implementation of ERP: Integration Access of Information Improvement in process Thoughtfulness in business Dissatisfaction with out dated legacy systems After implementing ERP companies have been competent to enhance costumer relation, strengthen delivering the flexible supply chain partnerships, improving the organizational flexibility, improve decision-making competency and decreasing task culmination time and cost (Ahmed, and Ahmed, Azhar, Mallikarjuna, 2003). Although Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) has been completely applied by various associations internationally, within almost everybody of the else principal industrial sectors, its utilization in the building industry has been limited to exert via a few large organizations The greatest gatherings of construction administration that have either failed in their efforts to take on this technology, or are not very apparent with it are Small and Mid Size Construction Organizations. These organizations comprises the strength of the construction industry and have their possess specified commercial and operational needs. The failure of Small and Mid Size Construction Organizations to adopt ERP, despite all its promise advantages, is a problem that desires to be addressed. It can be proposed that 2. RESEARCH PURPOSE The overall purpose of this research is to assess the critical success factors for the implementation of ERP systems to support construction industry and to what extent it is being used in enterprise integration and the benefits derived from using ERP systems. Furthermore, success factors coupled with the organizational performance will be assessed and validated. The relationship between the perceived performances will be assessed against the influence of upper management support, role of project champion in managing change in the organization, the level of organizational emphasis on communication and training, and organizational experience with ERP systems. 3. RESEARCH AIM The proposed research endeavours to investigate the following questions: What issues and problems faced by Construction organisations during the implementation of ERP systems? How can problems be reduced in implementing complex new technology into the existing structure of an organization? What must be considered, from the organizational as well as the technical perspective, to effectively integrate the technology and people in the organization who use it? Although this study cannot fully answer these questions, this research will provide valuable information concerning the technological and management systems used to support Construction organizations. Evaluation of implementation and problem issues will serve to further support management decision making. 4. RESEARCH QUESTIONS This research will identify the characteristics of ERP systems used in todays Construction industry. The results of this research will provide additional realistic information for construction organizations seeking to implement ERP systems, providing recommendations pertaining to the issues that must be addressed for companies to avoid critical problems in their own implementation of ERP systems. Questions to address: What are the critical success factors for implementing ERP system in a Construction organization? Is upper management support crucial to the success of ERP systems? What are the change management strategies the management should employed to help the successful implementation and performance of ERP systems? Is the success of ERP system depends upon the level of effective communication and the employee education and training? The generalized question to which this research will contribute is: What are the basic factors that determine the success of ERP systems implementation in regards to the ability of the system to influence organizational performance? When an organization decides to implement and integrate an extended, inter-departmental computer system into its operations, what issues must be addressed to indemnify that the computer application system will effectively contribute to organizational performance improvement? 5. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The objectives of this research are as follows: To independently obtain current information regarding the state of ERP systems in Construction organization today. To determine the critical success factors for implementing an ERP system in Construction organisation. To survey current users about factors that contribute to the success of ERP systems, especially in regards to effective communication, user training techniques, change management and the effect of upper management support. This will serve to validate previous research as well as obtain more information about successful experiences in industry. 6. Research method The research method appropriate for this research project will be of qualitative nature through an interpretive case study, where data collection techniques will consist of thorough literature review, secondary data review of documentation regarding the ERP project and interviews from senior computer, technical and management consultants. 2. Literarture Review 1. INTRODUCTION Literature is a term that refers to all sources of published data and Literature Review is a written summary about the findings from the literature (Hussey and Hussey, 1997). A literature review helps in establishing what research has been conducted on the researchers chosen area of study and also to identify what research is currently in progress (Saunders et al., 2000). In order to research into Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, a thorough literature review has been conducted with a centre of attention placed on ERP systems and the implementation of these systems in Construction organizations. Previous papers on ERP implementation projects will be reviewed focusing on successes and previous failures in ERP projects. As the research site is Hindustan Construction Company Ltd., the coonstruction sector has also been reviewed. 2. ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING 2.1The ERP Phenomena ERP systems are highly integrated software packages (Holland et al., 1999) that can be customised to cater for the specific needs of an organisation (Boudreau and Robey, 2000; Esteves and Pastor, 2001; Laberis, 1999). The concepts that have been evaluated and, at times, utilized by construction organizations in achieving the goal of improved efficiency through better management of collaborated knowledge is Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)(Negahban and Baecher 2008). ERP systems have been defined to be a computer program that provides a general working platform for all departments of an enterprise with their management functions being integrated into the program (Jingsheng Halpin, 2003). Several definitions from the published literature are given to further explain the concept: ERP (enterprise resource planning systems) comprises of a commercial software package that promises the seamless integration of all the information flowing through the company-financial, accounting, human resources, supply chain and customer information (Davenport, 1998). ERP systems are configurable information systems packages that integrate information and information-based processes within and across functional areas in an organization (Kumar and Van Hillsgersberg, 2000). One database, one application and a unified interface across the entire enterprise (Tadjer, 1998). ERP systems are computer-based systems designed to process an organizations transactions and facilitate integrated and real-time planning, production, and customer response (OLeary, 2001). Kapp et al. (2001) defined ERP as a system of integrated procedure, rules and algorithms designed to function consistently time and time again (p. 85). The key point in an ERP system is integration. The purpose of ERP is to create one computer system that can perform all the functions of every department within an organization by linking all the departments into one single database. What ERP really does is organize, codify, and standardize an enterprises business processes and data. According to Negahban, S, 2008 By utilizing this technology would allow the construction industry to harness the power of collective knowledge. In addition, regulatory and competitive forces, financial demands of owners, and an ever-shortening timeline to finish projects contributed to an increased pace of the utilization of this technology in the construction industry. It took the construction industry longer than other industries to realize the importance of the utilization of IT applications in improving the possibility of ultimate success in an integrated project environment. 2.2 Evolution of ERP The history of ERP can be traced back in 1960s, when the system focuses mainly towards inventory control (Seo, 1999). During 1970s, a shift of focus towards MRP (Material Requirement Planning) was observed. This system helped in translating the master production schedule into requirements for individual units like sub assemblies, components and other raw material planning and procurement. This system was involved mainly in planning the raw material requirements (Kalakota and Robinson, 2001). Then, in 1980s came the concept of MRP-II (Manufacturing Resource Planning) which involved optimizing the entire plant production process (Seo, 1999; Kalakota and Robinson, 2001). In the beginning, MRP-II was an extension of MRP to include shop floor and distribution management activities. Afterwards, it was further extended to include areas like Finance, Human Resource, Engineering, Project Management etc (Seo, 1999). This gave birth to ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) which covered the cross-functional coordination and integration in support of the production process (Seo, 1999; Kalakota and Robinson, 2001). The role of enterprise resource planning (ERP) does not match its name. It is no longer related to planning and resources, but is rather related to the enterprise aspect of the name. ERP attempts to unify all systems of departments together into a single, integrated software program based on a single database so that various departments can more easily share information and communicate with each other.(chung,2007).The ERP include the entire range of a companys activities. It addresses both system requirements and technology aspects including client/server distributed architecture, RDBMS, object oriented programming etc (Bancroft, 1996). ERP systems are designed as an integrated set of software modules, all linked to a common database, handling a host of corporate functions such as finance, human resources, material management, sales etc. (Slater, 1998). Russell and Taylor (1995) suggested that the ERP of today differ from traditional MRP II system in the areas of relational database management, graphical user interface (GUI), fourth generation languages (4GL), client-server architecture and open system capabilities. In addition, Kapp et al. (2001), stated that the differences between ERP and MRP II is the inclusion of a variety of manufacturing processes within ERP, in which modern ERP software is able to handle both discrete work orders and flow orders, JIT and MRP, EDI, and hand-entered orders (p. 86). Wainewright (2002) also stated that MRP was used for tracking suppliers, work-in progress and the output of finished goods, while ERP was used for all type of business with additional functions including financials, payroll and human resources management. Furthermore, Kremzar and Wallace (2001) also stated that ERP is far better than MRP II for three reasons: a) ERP applies a single set of resource planning tools across the entire e nterprise, b) ERP provides real-time integration of sales, operating, and financial data, and c) ERP connects resource planning approaches to the extended supply chain of customers and suppliers. According to Koch(2002) the main reasons that companies take ERP are summarize below: Because of its Integrated Financial Information i.e. to create a single version of information which cannot be questioned because all the members of the company use the same system. The information is integrated on one system rather than scattered on many different systems that cannot communicate which each other, so that the company can track orders and can coordinate with different related departments across many different location at the same time. It standarized and speed up the process using single integated system which can save time and increase productivity. Reduces inventory by improving the observation ability of the order process inside the company. The popularity of ERP systems started to soar in 1994 when SAP, a German based company, released its next generation software known as R/3 (SAP, 2003). In the following years, companies began to pour billions into ERP systems offered by SAP and its major competitors such as Oracle, Baan, J.D. Edwards, etc. Recently, ERP vendors add more modules and functions as add-ons to the core modules giving birth to the new term i.e. extended ERPs or ERP II (Adam and Sammon, 2004). It is the enterprise systems for the 21st century. These ERP extensions include advanced planning and scheduling (APS), e-business solutions such as customer relationship management (CRM) and supply chain management (SCM) (Bhattacherjee, 2000). ERP II systems are about optimizing the supply chain through collaboration with trading partners. It crosses all sectors and segments of business, including service industries, government, and asset-based industries like mining (Turban et al. 2001). According to Zrimsek (2003), ERP II systems is web-based, open to integrate and interoperate with other systems, and built around modules or components that allow users to choose just the functionality they need. Figure 1 summarizes the historical events related with ERP. 2.3 ERP Functions, Purpose of ERP Systems Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are software driven business management system which integrates all facets of the business, including manufacturing, planning, sales and distribution, financials and human resources (Kuang et al., 2001). It is a system that integrates all information that runs through an organisation (Davenport, 1998) and can be categorised as a large information system. It can be customised to cater the needs of an organization (Watson and Schneider, 1999). During 1990s ERP systems became the de-facto standard for replacement of legacy systems in large, and particularly multi-national companies (Parr and Shanks, 2000) ERP systems become more widely implemented, software applications are developed to help business managers implement ERP in diverse business activities such as project planning and management, subcontracting, material tracking, service, finance and human resources (tatari,2009) However, enterprise systems expanded to include back office functions (such as operations, logistics, finance, and human resources) and non transaction-based systems (Davenport, 1998) or front-office functions (such as sales, marketing, and customer service), as integral components of ERP systems (Davenport, 1998; Chen, 2001). This expansion result from the emergence of Supply Chain Optimization (SCO) (Chen, 2001), or Supply Chain Management (SCM) (Turban et al., 2001) and CRM strategies and systems (Chen, 2001), as illustrated in Figure 2. Turban et al. (2001) referred to this beyond the corporate walls integration as extreme integration (p. 304). Turban et al. (2001) further commented that in this approach to integration, SCM can be viewed as the brain and ERP as the strong body (p. 305). While the names and numbers of modules in an ERP system provided by various software vendors may differ, a typical system integrates all these functions by allowing its modules to share and transfer information freely and centralizing all information in a single database accessible by all modules (Chen, 2001). Provided in Figure 3 is an overview of an ERP system. Due to the importance of these systems in terms of added functionality over legacy systems and potential integration benefits, a large number of organisations are adopting these systems to manage their operations (Ross, 1999). They adopt these systems due to various technical or business reasons. Technical reasons include Y2K issues (myth), replacing legacy system that did not work etc. Organisations that have successfully implemented ERP systems view them as one of the most important innovations that have lead to the realization of substantial tangible and intangible improvements in a variety of areas (Davenport, 2000). Five other reasons for acquiring an ERP system are: 1) to integrate financial information, 2) to integrate customer order information, 3) to standardize and speed up manufacturing processes, 4) to reduce inventory level, and 5) to standardize Human Resource information (Koch, 2002). According to Kremzar and Wallace (2001), operating the business in a rapidly changing and highly competitive environment is the primary purpose of implementing an ERP system. Various studies have been done focussing on adoption and implementation of software applications (Harrison et al., 1997; Lassila and Brancheau 1999). However, the enterprise-wide implications, high resource commitment, high potential business benefits and risks associated with ERP systems make their implementation a much more complex exercise in innovation and change management than any other software package (Nelson and Somers, 2001; Gefen, 2000). Radding (1999) argued that when an organisation puts millions of dollars into a core business application and reengineers its business processes around it, the system is destined to become much more than an application. 2.4 General Perspective of Todays ERP Systems For over a decade the ERP system has had major impact on the manufacturing industry. Besides manufacturing companies, the ERP system has also gone further to serve the other industries. According to Boyle (2000), the ERP system is also linked with the web and e- commerce applications and beginning to use web browsers as the graphical user interface. Management was not using ERP to its full potential. Today, ERP is the foundation of businesses domestically and globally (White et al., 1999). It is used as a management tool and gives organizations a great competitive advantage (Koch, 2002). As ERP systems become more widely implemented, software applications are developed to help business managers implement ERP in diverse business activities such as project planning and management, subcontracting, material tracking, service, finance and human resources.(tatari,2009) Most of the ERP packages, today, provide multiple language and currency capabilities, allowing operations in different countries to become more integrated (Computerworld, 1998). In an era of globalization, such characteristics are very appealing for organizations desiring to expand their activities worldwide without losing control over them. The popularity of ERP is evidenced in a study that showed that nearly 19 percent of organizations across all industry sectors have installed ERP software (Computer Economics, 1999). The study also showed that the popularity of ERP continues to rise, with 34 percent of the surveyed organizations investigating, piloting, or implementing ERP packages. Davenport (1998) characterized ERP as the most important development in the corporate use of information technology in the 1990s (p. 122). 2.5 ERP Systems and Construction Organizations In the construction industry, because of the fragmented nature of the business, ERP implementation and utilization has not reached the same level as the other industrial sectors; however, the construction industry has finally awakened to importance of ERP, even though it is lagging behind other major industries that have been utilizing ERP to improve their efficiencies and bottom lines. (negahban,2008) There has been a remarkable improvement in both the speed and ability to conform to logical, customer-oriented business processes with the configurable and more flexible ERP systems (Donovan, 1998). In fact, now days, the management can chose from number of ERP products that come with multiple best practice options. The old MRP systems were very rigid as predefined business processes were embedded in the software making it difficult to adapt to the real needs of a manufacturing business (Seo, 1999). Customizing an off-the-shelf MRP system was expensive, difficult, risky and unusually time-consuming. As a result, companies had to make their order fulfilment process in such a way so as to accommodate the vendors predefined MRP software process but it greatly limits the managements ability to adjust their order fulfilment process to cope with changing customer requirements and to create a competitive advantage (Donovan, 1998). With todays developments in ERP software technology, compani es have an opportunity not only to configure business processes at much more reasonable cost and risk but also to create the opportunity for a competitive advantage (Kalakota and Robinson, 2001). The success of ERP in manufacturing enterprises resulted in its adoption by some large construction companies (ML Payton Consultants 2002; Voordijk et al. 2003). The high expectation of achieving all-round cost savings and service improvements is very much dependent on how good the chosen ERP system fits to the organizational functionalities and how well the tailoring and configuration process of the system matched with the business culture, strategy and structure of the organization. By implementing right ERP system, the organization significantly improve its entire order-to-delivery process, increase its ability to service customers at a lower cost and also better forecast its sales and other business activities, which is a competitive advantage (Harvard Business School, 1997). With ERP, it is possible to share and exchange information in digital format throughout the project life cycle. Thus, information is stored only once and all project participants are able to access this information in real-time(tatari,2009) Generally an ERP system is expected to improve both backbone and front-end functions simultaneously. Organizations decide to install ERP systems for many tangible and intangible benefits and strategic reasons. In various cases the calculation of return on investment (ROI) is weighted against the many intangible and strategic benefits (Gefen, 2000). However, to get the benefits of ERP systems, organizations need to undertake some problems and disadvantages. The advantages and disadvantages that organizations face after implementing ERP are given below: Benefits of ERP systems Integrating the organizations activities by processing a large majority of an organizations transactions (OLeary, 2001) and managing the information needs of companies (Gefen, 2000; Baskerville et al., 2000). Facilitation of intra-organization communication and collaboration (OLeary, 2001). ERP does the integrating job, allowing the business to spend less time figuring out whats going on and more time for improving (Slater, 1999). Options exist to purchase only the modules needed presently and acquire any extra modules needed in the future (Gefen, 2000). ERPs use an enterprise-wide database which allows access to the data in real time (OLeary, 2001). Both small and large companies can benefit both technically and strategically from investments in enterprise systems (Markus and Tanis, 2000) as they enable organizational standardization, eliminate information asymmetries and provide on-line and real-time information (OLeary, 2001). Disadvantages of ERP systems ERPs can have a negative impact on the work practices and culture of an organization (Allen and Kern, 2001; Soh et al., 2000). It takes an average of 8 months after the new system is installed to see any benefits (Koch et al., 1999). Lack of feature-function fit between the companys needs and the packages available (Markus and Tanis, 2000). The need for competent consulting staff to extensively customize the ERP (Gefen, 2000) to increase the acceptance of a new system. There is a need for extensive technical support prior to its actual use (Gefen, 2000). 2.6 ERP Systems Architecture ERP vendors understood the limitations of the old legacy information systems, i.e. MRP/MRPII systems, used in large enterprises of the 1970s and 1980s. Some of these old systems were developed in-house while others were developed by different vendors using several different languages, database management systems and packages, creating number of incompatible solutions unfit for the data flow between them (Seo, 1999). It was not easy to enhance the capacity of such systems or the users were unable to upgrade them with the organizations business changes, strategic goals and new information technologies (Chen, 2001). ERP systems are recognized for their databases and interdepartmental linkages. ERP structure provides a basis for MRP systems to become an enterprise integration tool (Kalakota and Robinson, 2001). Enterprise integration is viewed as developing the availability and accessibility of information within an extended corporate system and using the information system to efficientl y coordinate both the decisions and actions of thousands of individuals (Enterprise Integration Laboratory, Univ. of Toronto, 1994). To operate in an enterprise sense, the organizations need to distribute their applications for costing, planning, scheduling etc to accommodate the multiple layers of the organization, its work centers, sites, divisions and management levels (Turban et al., 2001). Multiple languages and currencies are also being included for global applications (Chase and Aquilano, 1995). The characteristics of an ERP system are as follows: Modular design containing many distinct business modules such as financial, manufacturing, accounting, distribution, etc (Davenport, 1998; Chen, 2001). Use centralized common database management system (DBMS). It is based on distributed, client/server computer systems (Wood and Caldas, 2001, p. 387). The modules are integrated and provide seamless data flow, increasing operational transparency through standard interfaces (Holland et al., 1999). It is generally complex system involving high cost (Davenport, 1998). It is flexible and offer best business practices (Davenport, 2000). It requires time-consuming tailoring and configuration setups to integrate with the business functions of company (Gefen, 2000). The various functional modules work in real time with online and batch processing capabilities (Davenport et al., 1998). Different ERP vendors offer different ERP systems with some level of specialty but the core modules are almost the same for all of them. The main ERP modules found in the successful ERP systems are as follows (Turban et al., 2001): Accounting management Financial management Manufacturing management Productio Enterprise resource planning Enterprise resource planning ERP Evaluation and Selection process. A successful ERP project requires selecting an ERP solution, implement the solution, manage changes and examine the practicality of the system, Wei and Wang, (2004). Wrong ERP solution choice would either fail the implementation or weaken the system to a greater impact on the enterprise, Hicks, (1995); Wilson, (1994). Most enterprises often jump into looking at ERP functions and features rather than examining the strategy and business processes. It is important for management to know the current strategy, processes and supporting systems compared to what they could be with the new systems, Donovan, (2001). For most enterprises, the decision to implement ERP functionalities will require buying a software package from one of the more popular vendors on ERP market like SAP and Oracle. But the selection process is not a straightforward task, hence thorough understanding of what ERP packages are to offer, differences in each of them and what might be at stake in selecting one package over the other should be well examined, Sammon and Adam, (2000). Evaluating and selecting an ERP system can be a very complex process on the other hand, but it should be a fact-based process that will bring the enterprise to the point where comfortable well-informed decisions can be made, Donovan, (2001). Thus, in an online poll conducted by ESI International survey of 2,000 business professionals, (2005), fig. 1, below, it clearly show that most software projects, ERP inclusive, failed due to lack of adequate requirements definition. In addition to the above, typical ERP project implementation can still fail due to wrong solution choice, Donovan, (2001). Therefore, a research carried out by Management Agility Inc, (2005), revealed that it is imperative to adopt a thorough evaluation and evaluation process before adopting any ERP solution in SMEs. Hence, there are eight steps detailed below in the flowchart, fig. 2, for a careful and reasonable level of a successful ERP implementation in SMEs. None of these steps must be rush through or skip to avoid any element of failure. These eight steps can be categorised into 5 stages; Planning RFP Solution Evaluation Negotiation Selection and Agreement ERP Software Hardware (Solution) Evaluation and Selection Steps Yes No Stage 4 Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 Define Requirements Shop Round for Product Clarify Requirements Evaluation Vendor Inquiry Interact with Vendors Negotiate Agreement Action Agreement Define business case/need and spell-out required values. Be specific. Ensure the business sponsor is willing to push through business case for change. Look round the market for what product is available. Identify vendors that operates and their general approaches to technologies the take. Discuss with others in the same industry as you are etc. Clarify your requirements and be sure of what you are looking for in line with you business case. Refine requirements if possible and be specific too. Find out what product is looking promising in line with the business need and from which vendor. Identify which vendor and their products and invite interesting ones for demo etc. Request for proposal (RFP). Invite each shortlisted vendor over for a chat and find out more about the product. List out expectations based heavily on business requirements. At this point evaluate this approach. Can you afford to change your current process? Can you afford the change the new product will bring and many more? Initiate Negotiation for the selected product with the selected vendor. Agree on who does what, when are they to be done. Negotiate deliverables, timelines, cost payments schedules and terms, support inclusive. Review all legal terms, finalise the contract and select product for onward implementation. Alignment of business requirement to what the software/hardware can provide. This is the core of the whole exercise else stop the evaluation. Evaluate the product capabilities in line with the business requirement. Evaluate the impact of this product on the business requirement. Stage 5 Analyse Gaps Yes For effective ERP Solution evaluation and selection process, the above steps are categorised into 5 phases as explained below; Stage 1 Plan Requirement Business need is defined, along with areas in business that required technical approach. Develop a specific business case with business value for a solution. Ensure that the project sponsor is willing to articulate the business case for change. Indentify vendors that operate in the line of products you are looking for. Get familiar with the software and hardware infrastructure presence for the solution seeking. Get general view of investment needed, considering software, hardware, other related infrastructure and ongoing support. Based on the survey, evaluate the organisation readiness for the investment and decide whether to continue or not. Now define priorities under must-have and nice-to-have accordingly. Stage 2 Request for Proposals (RFP) Shortlist interesting vendor based on the outcome of market survey for products. Invite interesting vendors for interaction/demonstration of their products. Collects facts/functionalities in line with the business need from various products demonstrations for the developments of unbiased RFP for vendors. Set-up a neutral body to develop RFP using all facts gathered during products demonstration aligned to the business requirements. Distribute out RFP that addresses the vendor as a company and the products they offer. Generate basic expectations from an ideal proposal in line with the business need for onward selection of the ideal software vendor. Stage 3 Solution Evaluation Identify and prioritise remaining gaps between software capabilities as demonstrated and business requirements. Sample form in fig. 3; below. Identify how the gaps will be bridge in terms of configuration, configuration, process change or combination of all these. If the gaps cannot be bridge, then discontinue the evaluation exercise immediately. If the gaps can be bridge consider reengineering of those affected business processes affected and continue with the evaluation. Stage 4 Contract Negotiation Negotiate with each vendor. Establish software, hardware and other infrastructure agreement requirements, which include version, components, maintenance and support. Also negotiate participation in user groups, license costs, maintenance fees and many others. Establish service provider agreement which also include deliverables, timelines, resources, costs and payment schedules. Establish other legal requirements. Stage 5 Selection and Agreement Upon successful negotiation with the right vendor; Review all legal terms on privacy protection, operation guidance and data manipulation etc. Approve agreements with the selected vendors. Agree on implementation plan.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Europe And The New World :: essays research papers fc

Europe and the ‘New World’ Tutorial Question: Why were the ‘westerners’ (Spanish, English, Portuguese’s, French etc) able to displace the native people’s of America with, seemingly, relative ease? Was this evidence of a superior ‘civilisation’? Many believe that there is a great difference between ‘westerners’ and the native people of the lands they conquered. The truth is, that there is not great distinction, except in the minds of white men. ‘Westerners’ such as the French, Spanish, English and Portuguese have always believed in their own superiority. This confidence gave them the strength to displace the natives and also the justification for doing so. The civilized world seemed to grow, and change with new directions being mastered all the time, the ‘non civilized’ world seemed to stand still in a era recognized by Europeans as unprogressive and primitive. The Europeans viewed the Native Americans with mixed opinion, in many ways they despised their ignorance, while at the same time being in awe of their innocence. Despite this, leading opinion was that the native people of the new world were inferior to the Europeans and would have to become domesticated if they were to survive in the ‘new world.’ However was this triumph over the inhabitants of the land evidence of a superior civilisation? How does one define ‘Civilisation’? For if we are to discuss what is a superior and an inferior race then understanding of the term ‘civilisation’ is critical. The term ‘civilisation’ is used everyday and is understood by everyone, yet a proper definition is more difficult to pin down. The oxford university dictionary defines civilisation as: ‘a developed or advanced sate of human society.’ This is helpful, yet the question of how developed or how advanced is still relevant. Others have said that a civilized society is different from an uncivilized society because of certain attributes such as writing, cities, building etc. But agreement is difficult, it is much more safer not to rely on a single definition, instead look at examples of what everyone has agreed to call civilisations such as Greek or Rome . However, the term ‘civilisation’ still seems to be from a western point of view, for natives are not seen as civiliz ed because they do not fit into any definition mentioned above. The Native Americans were not advanced, they did not have buildings or cities and their lifestyle and customs had hardly resembled that of Greece or Rome.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Dr Jekyl And Mr Hyde - Chapter Summary :: essays research papers

Chapter 1The story begins with a description of Mr. Utterson, a lawyer in London. Mr. Utterson is a reserved, conservative man who does not reveal his true, vibrant personality. He tolerates the strangeness and faults of other. Early in his life, he watched as his brother fell to ruin, and it is noted that he is often the last respectable person that men who are turning to evil or ruin have to talk to. This foreshadows Utterson's involvement with upcoming evil.Mr. Utterson is friends with Richard Enfield, although the two are totally different from one another. They always took walks with each other on Sundays no matter what else they might have to do. As they walk down a lane on Sunday that would usually be crowded with merchants and children during the week, Enfield points out an old building without many windows, and only a basement door.Enfield tells a story of how, one night at about 3:00 am, he saw a strange, deformed man round the corner and bump into a young girl. The strange man did not stop but simply walked right over the young girl, who cried out in terror. Enfield rushed over and attended the girl along with her family. Still, the strange man carried on, so Enfield chased him down and urged him back. A doctor was called and Enfield and the doctor felt an odd hatred of the man, warning the man that they would discredit him in every way possible unless he compensated the girl. The strange man agreed to offer 100 British pounds.Enfield notes that the man is like Satan in the way he seems emotionally cold to the situation. The strange man presented a cheque signed by an important person, which they together cashed the next morning. Enfield states that he refers to the building as Black Mail House. Utterson asks Enfield if he ever asked who lived in the building, but Enfield explains that he doesn't ask questions about strange things:"the more it looks like Queer Street, the less I ask."The building appears lived in, and the two men carry on their walk. Enfield continues that the strange man he saw that night looked deformed, though he could explain how. Utterson assures Enfield that his story has caught his interest. The two agree never to talk about the story again.Chapter 2The same evening, Utterson came home.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Comparison of the Fantasies and Daydreams of Michael and Walter Mitty Essay

Michael and Walter Mitty are two men who use fantasies and daydreams to escape from their unhappy lives. They both use them to improve their own experience. Both men are seen as weak, seen as failures by the rest of the world. They both are in denial. Walter Mitty’s fantasies stem from boredom and are used to boost his self-esteem. â€Å"I never see a man could hold his brandy like you, sir.† In his fantasies, he plays the character of someone superior, a rebel, or a lifesaver, such as a Commander, a doctor, a criminal, or a Captain. The complete opposite of who he is, a nobody. He changes himself completely because he is unhappy with who he is as a person. Walter is not as clever as his characters; â€Å"Coreopsis has set in.† When Walter says this, he thinks he is sounding clever as he is â€Å"performing an operation† but he is not bright because coreopsis is a flower. Michael needs his fantasies to survive desperate situations. He is lonely â€Å"I am not an attractive companion† and has no job. Michael uses his fantasies to deny his situation, to have something he doesn’t have in real life. He imagines a family, a successful business, and a large house. These are not unrealistic dreams, they could have happened, but in Michael’s case they did not. â€Å"My Castle is not a splendid place, but it is very comfortable, and it has a warm and cheerful air, and it is quite a picture of Home.† Michael cares more about the people there, his family, and his perception of home than material comforts. â€Å"I have enough and am above all moderate wants and anxieties.† Walter is married and feels smothered by his wife who hassles him and feels there is something wrong with him for losing himself in his fantasies. â€Å"It’s one of your days. I wish you’d let Dr Renshaw check you over.† This may anger and annoy him, which pushes him even further into his fantasies. He never involves her in his daydreams, which suggests that he is not close to her and would rather be alone. Michael almost had a happy marriage but Christiana betrayed him. After her he had no other partner and is lonely, he wants a family. Walter feels inferior to other men. â€Å"They’re so damn cocky†¦They think they know everything.† Walter tries to do a ‘man’ thing by taking the chains off his own car, but fails. When he sees a young, grinning man take them off easily he feels annoyed that he, himself cannot. In his fantasies, he is a strong man, or a smart man. He uses his fantasies to deny his personality. Michael’s fantasy starts when he is asked to start a story to entertain his relations but from the depth, length, detail and thought gone into this dream, we know he has thought about this many times before. Walter’s are triggered by certain pictures or situations. Driving his car triggers a fantasy involving a Navy plane, a hospital triggers him into a doctor, and the Waterbury trial triggers a trial situation where he is a gun-shooting criminal. Pictures of bombing planes and ruined streets trigger a pilot fantasy. Michael’s dreams are set in his castle, his home. The scene does not change. â€Å"I reside, mostly, in a †¦ Castle.† Walter’s are set in different locations, on different levels, the ground, and in the air, â€Å"hurtling eight-engined Navy hydroplane† â€Å"in the courtroom† and â€Å"door of the dugout.† This suggests Walter wanted to be as far away, from where he is now as possible. Michael’s fantasies are about family, about others. About who he wishes he could be with, his grandchildren, children, wife and his business partner and his family. About closeness with friends and family. â€Å"It is very pleasant of an evening, when we are all assembled together – which frequently happens.† Walter’s revolve around himself. What he does, how he saves people or places and in one dream about what he has done to another person. Michael’s could have happened if it wasn’t for decisions made by two people, Christiana and his business partner. Walter’s are pure fantasy, which get facts and words wrong. Michael’s and Walter’s fantasies are an escape from their humdrum lives to a happier place where they would rather be.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Negative impact of technology

IntroductionThe paradigm shift in the contemporary society in relation to the learning environment witnessed in the wake of a new light of advancement in technology has had all sorts of impact on various entities in the society. The forces of globalization have been viewed directly as destructive in many ways though this is still debatable as it is subjective of personal judgment.When technology fails to be used constructively or when it does not find an effective application, technology becomes detrimental to autonomy in thinking and action. This technology has seen introduction of the gadgets of science into the classrooms, study rooms and to be specific, to the students’ life. It has impeded the capability of self creativity in students as they leave all thinking to machines like computer and the hi-tech learning gadgets. Most people argue that modern technology has a negative impact on the socialization of students because it eliminates need for physical activity, impairs critical thinking skills, and limits face to face interaction.DiscussionLimits face to face interactionThis is not a subject one would conclude at once by leaning on one particular side. It is therefore imperative to critically look at both sides of the divide and an analyze views on the basis of zero bias. On the contrary, and in support of the argument above, we find that technology has invaded the learning environment and turned it upside down. The introduction of computers in schools, for example, has reduced the level of student- to-student interaction and in its stead placed student-to-computer interaction to rule supreme. (Glenn M. Kleiman (2000) The Digital Classroom- means that the students spend most of their time relating and communicating with the machines rather than face-to-face interaction of the students to each other. This later on leads to development of ethical dilemmas in the future society. In such a milieu the learne r prefers to associate with ‘non-physical’ characters on TV, net or web. This leads to stereotyping behavior in students. Recent research carried out in 2001, (Seemann, E. et al-(2001).   Also see C. Crawford et al. 2001 and URL:, reveals that the use of computer mediated communication and technology in the learning environment has great impact in changing the lives of students in the classroom. It further indicates that through modern technology, students’ behavior in terms of interactions with the teachers and the tutors is immensely influenced as well as that among the students themselves. This approach, the researchers argue, downplays the significance of social contact hence may lead many students to fail in developing the necessary social skills to function in the world.Impediment to Critical thinkingSecondly, the use of the modern technology in learning environment may be a substantial threat to the ability of students to develop high level of critical thinking. This means that since the use of computer aided communication will entail the fingers pressing for a click of the mouse, liberation of ideas will be thwarted and thus hinder creativity. When there is no liberation of ideas there’s little or no creativity and therefore originality and subsequent development take a back seat. Because of availability of a machine with ready-to-use programs, the student will not care questioning of the present method of approach to a problem and therefore will not discover new ways and means of solving a given problem.Eliminates need for physical activityThe technology can also play quite a significant role in producing laziness in terms of reduced physical dexterity to engage in any exercise that involves exercise to the body. The importance physical exercises play to the body is of great relevance to the healthy development of a physically fit individual. The above research also reiterates th at even physical activity by students becomes a nightmare as the only involvement of the student will be the hand or fingers, the eyes together with ears- if there be any additional item on the list, it should be nothing other than maximum fixation to the screen, (Seaman, E. et al-(2001)).Opposing argumentsOn the other side of the divide lies the great relevance computer aided communication and technology based learning have in modeling individual students in the classroom and the society. Those who argue that the relevance of technology in a learning environment is absolute contend that though the technology may have some negative impacts, the positive achievements are far much superb and outweigh the negative ones.   This argument holds that a student needs to develop the skills referred to as the multiple intelligences (Howard Gardner, 1983).Gardner says that the use of the powerful technological enables speeded development of these intelligences. In addition, human machine int eraction enables an individual to think, communicate and deliberate on ideas through development of creativity in words, speech and writing. Most modern technology like some computer software that allows young children to and illustrate their own narratives or stories before their motor skills are fully developed enhance learning and creativity to start early in life.Even though the use of computer aided communication and the technology in the conveyance of learning information is objected by some, learners are able to interact closely with mathematical intelligences which enable them to memorize, and carry out mathematical operations in addition to thinking mathematically, analytically and logically before applying the understanding to solve problem. Through these modern systems students are able to interact with scientists exploring the depths of certain places but electronically.The students also develop high ability to understand the world they live in through what they see thus developing spatial or visual intelligence. By development of kinesthetic intelligence students are able to learn through dexterity and coordination thus developing the ability to express their feelings better thereby removing any doubts of ethical dilemmas. The students too can have musical intelligence thus be able to perform and appreciate or create music by whichever means, voice, dance or instruments. Though some scholars argue and maintain that use of the technology reduces the student’s socialization capability, others maintain that in the real sense the technology gives the student the chance to gain high levels of interpersonal intelligence thus being able to cooperatively work with others. This is done through electronic networking.RefutationThe bias that is revealed when trying to analyze the argument from one viewpoint is quite evident. Technology has been of great importance in improving the quality of education, the efficiency in acquisition of information and e ffective application of positive changes in the society and realization of the relevance of these changes to the learning environment. At the same time, it would still be unwise to refute the negative impacts of the technology to the social relations, physical activity and critical thinking of the students in their classrooms. However, the positive role played in enhancing the appreciation of technology in the learning environment cannot go without being lauded. The role for sure supersedes by far the demerits that accompany it.ConclusionTo be of maximum benefit and relevance, application of technology in the learning environment must be applied with care and consideration in order to make the learning process to be qualitatively different and attractive. As we embrace the benefits of having technology, we must also prepare to deal with its negativities. This way, the learning process in the classroom can become richer and pose less threat to the values and autonomy of every individ ual student. Otherwise it would have an impact that is not desirable whether the learning environment is home-based or institutional one.References:Seemann, E., Wilkinson, L., et al. Impact of Technology on Socialization of Student in the Classroom, 2001.Kleiman, Glenn M. The Digital Classroom- 2000. Accessed on Friday April 25, 2008 from URL: et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Teacher Education and Information